
Hope when honoring your parents is hard

It is our identity as God’s children — fully forgiven, free from blame, no longer condemned, honored and deeply loved, wholly pleasing to him — that will enable us to be godly children of man.

Chelsea Stanley Chelsea Stanley

10 Bible Verses About Family

God has graciously given us a book full of instruction and encouragement for families. Here are ten Bible verses about family that God has given to us in his word.

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Chelsea Stanley Chelsea Stanley

Sweet caroline

What a joy it is to welcome you into our family, baby girl!

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Diaries Of A Daughter Chelsea Stanley Diaries Of A Daughter Chelsea Stanley

Should I Cut Toxic People Out Of My Life?

We all have people in our circles who annoy, frustrate, or even wound us, and the world tells us it’s okay—and even good!—to cut these “toxic” people out of our lives completely. But what does the Bible have to say about “toxic” people? Is it biblical to walk away from these relationships entirely? Or should we turn the other cheek?

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matters of the heart: trust

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