Sweet caroline

Sweet Caroline,

What a joy it is to welcome you into our family, baby girl! You are already so dearly loved.

Nearly a year ago, your big brother William prayed for a baby sister. We didn’t plan to have another baby, but God had a better plan and answered William’s prayer with a resounding “Yes!” We are so glad he did. We have been eagerly anticipating your arrival ever since—painting your nursery walls pink, filling up your closet with ruffles and frills, and praying that you’d be healthy and grow to love God with all your heart and soul.

Caroline, you are named after one of our very favorite people in the entire world—your Aunt Paige. We chose to give you her middle name because she is so special to us. She has faithfully walked with us through every season of life—rejoicing with us on the mountaintops and caring for us in the valleys. She is thoughtful, encouraging, dependable, kind, and yes, a bit silly. We pray that God will cultivate these same virtues and character traits in you.

Your middle name, Joy, represents the immense joy we felt when we learned that God had given us a daughter. We know that you will bring us even greater joy as we get to know and love you more.

Daddy and I also pray that you will find your truest joy in the Lord. As Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” There is no greater joy than that which is found in Christ, and we want that joy for you.

We love you so much, Caroline. You are a precious gift from God, and we are oh-so grateful to be your parents.


Mommy (and Daddy)

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Aunt Paige Caroline with Caroline Joy

Aunt Paige Caroline with Caroline Joy


10 Bible Verses About Family


Resources to help you better love and honor your parents