A Daughter’s Delight
How do we delight in our heavenly Father? The same way a little girl delights in her daddy. She delights in who he is, in what he’s done, in the good gifts he’s given her, and in what brings him delight.
Daughters, God Has Made You Sons
Fellow daughters, you are chosen heirs of the Most High God. Embrace your status as sons, live as children of the promise, and look forward with joy to the inheritance that awaits you.
Is That YOU? Mourning The Bride Of My Youth
When we are tempted to mourn the bride of our youth, we need to remember God’s promises. God will use marriage, kids, hardship, and life to plant our roots down deeper so that He can grow us into mighty oaks of righteousness.
The First Day Without A Woman: Six Ways The Church Can Stand With Us
It is good to pause and consider how we might champion women in the church, not out of envy or rivalry or discontentment, but out of the rooted security we have in Christ, who is the great champion of women.